Rocking out and Rising Up: An Interview with Dream Phases

Tell me about the name Dream Phases and how you came up with the name. 

Brandon: It was basically talking about how we wanted to evolve the band, which is in different phases, and it ties into how life changes through your life as you mature. You have more experience and how those go through phases where you know the things you might have wanted or wanted to be at a certain time in your life changes as you get older and it's okay. It’s an active term. 

How do you all know each other? How did the band come about? 

Brandon: Shane and I are brothers. So, the two of us and Keveen all started playing music together over ten years ago in a previous band. So we met through the music scene. And then when that ended, I started this as my solo project to initially start off with, and then it turned into a band. I met Jeanna through the music scene, as well. She also runs Coconut Spaceship, who we’re putting the record out with. 

Phil: I met all of them through the music scene, also. We just all started playing cool music together. 

What is everyone’s role in the band? 

Gina: I play bass and I’m doing background vocals as well. 

Phil: I play the keyboard.

Shane: I play the drums.

Brandon: I sing and play guitar. 

Keveen: I also play guitar and sing.

What is a song that has stuck with you in your life? 

Brandon: The very first song I really consciously remember falling in love with it was Led Zeppelin's “Black Dog.” I remember hearing that song in my dad's Jeep driving to, like, a hockey practice or something when I was like 7 or 8. I remember just the electric feeling going through my entire body and just bouncing on the seat, listening to that song, and it was just something that got inside of me at that moment with that song. I just fell in love with music. 

Shane: Radiohead's “You and Whose Army.” I always go back to that album, Amnesiac. That song, it just makes me happy. And it's been with me for a long time. 

Phil: “Black Dog” is my favorite. I just love the guitars on that. I think, your time is going to come, but let's have fun. That's probably the ones that one of the ones that's really resonated with me. Also, Low Die by CCR.

Is there an artist who influences your playing styles? 

Brandon: The Beatles are the flagship of what we are going for. The songwriting of trying to strive for melody and harmony. But also with the experimentation in there, too. I think we've always had a noisy and somewhat abrasive punk quality to our music as well, while trying to do the more song songwriter kind of oriented stuff, too.

What is the best post gig meal that you've ever had? 

Keveen: The morning after we played in Leon, Spain, I went to this amazing French restaurant. The chef ended up coming out and visiting us in the lounge. And he was just like, you guys are so cool. It was the first time I tried escargot. 

What is your favorite song on the LP that you are releasing? What can we be excited about?

Brandon: “Reflection” is the one I connect with the most because, just because that's the most personal lyric that I wrote on the record. It's hard to pick a favorite one.

Shane: It's tough, but my two favorites are the first two singles, actually. “Living in a Cave” and “Speed of Light.” In “Living in a Cave,” the harmonies are really nice, but “Speed of Light” is more fun to play on the keyboards.

Jeanna: There's a lot of things I love about all the songs on the album, but I'd say “Speed of Light.” I guess, stylistically, it's the most neo-psychedelic, and there are a lot of twists and turns and changes in that that make it iconic. There's a reason it's the single. I'd also say “Turn Away.” it's probably the catchiest hook and it's a really driving song. Strong melodies. 

Keveen: “Speed of Light” is good, but it’s like going to a fancy restaurant. You don't want to go there every day. It is one of the most accomplished pieces. That one was the quickest to write. It was the first time the three of us sat down and tried to write something from scratch. The lyrics came so easily.


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